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What are the main assumptions underlying linear programming?

Best Answer

The fundamental presumptions of linear programming are as follows: linearity, which holds that the relationships between the decision variables are linear; additivity, which asserts that the sum of the individual effects determines the overall effect; divisibility, which permits the decision variables to assume fractional values; certainty, which implies that all of the coefficients are known and constant; and non-negativity, which demands that the decision variables be either zero or positive. These presumptions allow for effective solution techniques and guarantee the mathematical tractability of the model.

Best Answer

The main assumptions underlying linear programming include linearity of relationships, certainty in parameters, non-negativity of decision variables, and divisibility of variables. These assumptions are essential for formulating effective models and ensuring their applicability in optimization problems.

Best Answer

Linear programming is based on several key assumptions: first, it assumes that relationships between decision variables are linear, meaning both the objective function and constraints can be expressed as linear equations. Second, it follows the principle of additivity, where the total contributions to the objective function and resource usage are simply the sum of individual contributions. Third, it assumes divisibility, allowing decision variables to take any real values, including fractions. Fourth, it operates under the assumption of certainty, where all coefficients in the objective function and constraints are known and constant. Finally, it includes the non-negativity assumption, which stipulates that decision variables must be zero or positive, reflecting practical constraints in real-world scenarios.
