fundamental analysis
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first, It's how to Understand a Value - it helps traders and investors to understand the true value of an asset. By examining factors such as economic indicators, interest rates, company earnings and macroeconomic trends.
second, Long Term Perspective - it provides insights into the underlying health off a company or economy, helping investors make informed decisions about their portfolio allocation.
third,Risk Management - it helps traders to anticipate how these events might affect prices and make adjustments accordingly.
It helps in predicting long-term trends
fundamentals analysis is a method of assessing the value of stock.
It helps you get to its stock's fair price, which may not always be trading at its fair value.
For income-oriented investors, fundamental analysis is crucial in assessing the sustainability of dividends and interest payments. It helps ensure that the asset's cash flow is sufficient to support such payments.
Fundamental analysis allows investors to compare different assets within the same industry or sector. This enables them to identify companies with competitive advantages and potential for growth.
Fundamental analysis is essential for evaluating the intrinsic value and growth potential of assets such as stocks and commodities. It provides insights into an asset's economic factors, financial health, and growth prospects, helping investors make informed decisions for long-term investment.