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4 Replies

What is a primal-dual relationship in LP?

Best Answer

The primal-dual relationship in LP refers to the connection between a primal problem and its corresponding dual problem. Each constraint in the primal problem corresponds to a variable in the dual, and each variable in the primal corresponds to a constraint in the dual. The optimal solution to one provides insights into the other.

Best Answer

The primal-dual relationship in Linear Programming refers to the connection between a primal problem and its corresponding dual problem. Each primal LP has a dual that reflects the same underlying relationships, where the objective function of one corresponds to the constraints of the other. The key insights from this relationship include that if both problems are feasible, their optimal values are equal, and the solution of one can provide valuable information about the solution of the other. This relationship is fundamental in understanding duality theory and solving LP problems.

Best Answer

The primal-dual relationship in linear programming connects a primal problem to its dual, where optimal solutions to one imply optimal solutions to the other

Best Answer

The primal-dual relationship in linear programming (LP) refers to the connection between a primal problem and its corresponding dual problem. Each primal LP has a dual that provides bounds on the optimal value of the primal, and solving one can give insights into the other. The optimal solutions of the primal and dual are linked: if one is optimal, so is the other, and their optimal values are equal under certain conditions. This relationship is fundamental in optimization theory and is useful for deriving strong duality results and sensitivity analysis.
