What are multiple optimal solutions in Linear Programming?
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Multiple optimal solutions occur when there are several feasible solutions that give the same value for the objective function. This happens when the objective function is parallel to one of the constraints, allowing for multiple points along that constraint to be optimal.
Multiple optimal solutions in linear programming occur when different sets of variable values yield the same optimal objective function value, usually due to the objective function being parallel to a constraint. This situation offers flexibility for decision-makers, allowing for various strategies that achieve the same outcome and facilitating better resource utilization.
Multiple optimal solutions in linear programming occur when there is more than one solution that yields the same optimal value for the objective function. This typically happens when the objective function is parallel to a constraint along the feasible region, allowing for various combinations of decision variable values that achieve the same result.
Multiple optimal solutions in linear programming occur when two or more different solutions yield the same maximum or minimum objective value. This typically happens when the objective function is parallel to a constraint boundary, allowing for a range of feasible solutions that are equally optimal.