Is cheat really effective or there's a time that this cheat doesn't work?
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Cheat might seem effective in forex trading analysis, but there are situations where it doesn't work
I think it is effective because gold is a commodity that doesn't lose its value, it increases instead. I also think that particular cheat sheet is standard.
I think cheat sheets can b effective at times, but there are instances when they might not be as useful considering that they may not adopt for new development. Intermarket relationships are not constant; they can change as market conditions evolve.
Cheat could appear to be useful in forex trading analysis, but there are times when it doesn't work because of the market's volatile and dynamic nature.
Cheat might seem effective in forex trading analysis, but there are situations where it doesn't work due to the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the market.
Intermarket analysis involves examining the relationships between different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies, to gain insights into potential market trends and correlations. While there's no one-size-fits-all "cheat sheet" for intermarket analysis.
Cheat sheets, in my opinion, can be beneficial as quick references. I think it as a supplement only to our analysis in order to make educated judgments in the ever-changing financial markets, because a cheat sheet may not properly cover the unpredictable nature of the financial market.