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It helps the decision-makers understand which factors are crucial and make better decisions considering different situations and costs.
Sensitivity analysis and shadow price determination are essential techniques in Operations Research that provide valuable insights into the robustness of solutions and help decision-makers make more informed choices. They enhance decision-making by offering information about how changes in various parameters impact the optimal solution and the associated objective function.
Sensitivity analysis and shadow price determination provides decision makers with a deeper understanding of flexibility and value of their decisions.
by assisting in resource allocation by revealing the economic value of resources.
By providing insights into the impact of parameter changes on the optimal solution.
By providing insights into the impact of parameter changes on the optimal solution.
Essential operations research methods like sensitivity analysis and shadow price determination help decision-makers make better decisions by shedding light on the robustness of solutions. By providing information on how changes in various factors affect the ideal solution and the associated objective function, they improve decision-making.